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GET UP GET UP GET UP is all the pledges heard as their alpha rushed in their dorm room in the middle of the night wearing masks and banging on trashcans. As the pledges awoke they were showered with flour and feathers to further confuse them as they still struggled to comprehend what was going down before their eyes. The main directed the pledges to strip down before their fraternity and show their loyalty no questions asked. Later the moved the frightened pledges to the shower room where they were hosed down with cold water and taunted more by the rest of the frat. It was in that moment where the pledges were given an ultimatum. "You either suck dick or get the fuck out!" the alpha yelled to the shivering and humiliated pledges. Reluctant at first the pledges didn't want to be from the joys of being part of the elite, so what happened next is what legends are made of. check it out for yourselves...
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