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Well well well, here you are, my next little plaything. Are you ready to have fun?<br><br>You're looking up at your Goddess Sydney, who is towering over you after fulfilling your greatest fantasy - being shrunk by her. Normally the little men she shrinks like to believe they don't want to be shrunk, but you actually came to her and volunteered! It actually makes it so much easier for her to have her way with you.<br><br>She thinks you're just so cute when you're this tiny, she thought about keeping you as a little pet. But you know what, she's actually pretty hungry and she just loves eating shrunken men. How does that sound? She'll just pop you in her mouth and swallow you down, slowly digesting you and consuming your little body, giving her energy. And the rest of you? That's just going to become her waste! <br><br>And that's just what you deserve, isn't it? You've been so obsessed with her ass for so long, it makes sense for you to meet your end by being expelled from hers. She desc
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