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Sasha is petite and fit which if we are being honest, is a little rare. Most petite girls skate by on just being skinny or slightly doughy as long as they are cute. Sasha seemed to have more "energy" than the average girl and that may be owing to her training as a former gymnast. She showed off her flexibility and ease at doing flips. If I had a trampoline, I would've asked her to jump around in that just to see her butt jiggle. I couldn't wait to get her down on the workout mat with her pants down. That tight little body meant a tight little pussy that felt so good I wanted to fuck her harder. She enjoyed my big cock even more as I pushed her down to the floor to get deep inside her and pull her hair back by the pony tail. I felt her pleasure as her pussy tightened around my cock just as I was dropping a big load inside her.
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