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Sage Hunter was amazing. She came in a short skirt and heels and I could feel my balls ready to explode already. She got naked for me and before she could suck dick, I had to eat her pussy and her ass first. But then she got down to business and She likes to get sloppy which I love. She can deep throat, she maintains eye contact, and what you really can't see is her tongue ring in action when my dick is in her mouth. Oh and her ball sucking and licking was amazing. I could not take it anymore and unloaded one of my biggest cumshots on her pretty face. She tried to keep her eyes open the whole time but I was slinging too much cum for her to keep them open but she tried. She sucks me after and takes seflies. She also leaves it on for a while, you will love the sideview and the additional footage of her covered in cum.
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