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You should have known what I would do to you before you agreed to become my fart slave..<br><br>For a long time you had begged Goddess Sydney to allow you to become her fart slave. Now, you find yourself under her toilet seat looking up at her, and she has some really smelly farts to feed you. She tells you just how pathetic you look down there and says you had better suck down all her farts because she's really bloated today. You can't do anything but lay there as she sits right above you, giving you an amazing view of her ass. Your enchantment is soon broken though as she lets one far rip after another right in your face.<br><br>What are you doing bitch? She can still smell her farts which means you aren't doing your job! She won't stand for this, she can't have a fart slave as useless as you. You know what she does to deal with worthless fart boys? She shrinks them! That's right, before you can even react, she shrinks you down to only an inch. Now, you're staring up into her massive
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