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We found Georgia today sitting alone at the beach. She had a cake with her. We talked to her and she told us she was alone on her birthday. So we offered to keep her company. She stood up and the only cake we were interested in was that phat ass she had. She was flirty with us because she enjoyed the company. I told her I had a present for her, and she already guessed it was a big cock. Nick was going to bless her today, but she blessed him. She rimmed him from the back and jerked him like she was trying to milk him. Then Nick began to pound Georgia’s asshole out. She screamed with delight as he cleaned her asshole out with his dick. I didn't mention he was fucking her in the middle of the street. He then gave her extra icing for her cake as he covered her face with cum. After getting fucked the way she did, she deserved a big slice of her birthday cake.
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