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POV setup, and here you are, tied up in my room, completely at my mercy. Sorry for just grabbing you like that… sorry, not sorry. You’re mine now, my personal plaything for when I get bored. Right now, I feel like tickling you. I taunt you with my fingers, spinning them in the air, tracing soft teasing circles over your body, making you shiver and squirm under my touch. I tickle your feet, your sides, anywhere that makes you twitch and gasp, loving every little reaction you give me. Then I notice it. You’re getting hard. How pathetic, getting turned on just from my tickling. I tease you about it, laughing at how desperate and needy you are, how your body betrays you no matter how much you try to resist. I could do this for hours, but for now, I’ve worked up an appetite. I’m off to grab something to eat… but don’t think you’re escaping. I’ll be back to play with you later.
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