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I woke up this morning to the most delicious smell in the air. My Stepmom Lolly must be at it again. She is always making yummy treats for me and the old man. She likes to use it as currency to make me do chores and favors. The usual stuff. Take out the trash, do your chores and homework. Today Lolly wanted something different. She wanted my dick. She wanted me to eat her pussy and fuck her. I'm like lady are you crazy. You are my stepmom. She convinced me that this is totally normal and we should tend to each others needs. I am pretty backed. I would love to bust a nut. What an experience that was. Her tits and ass are Huge. She really smells so nice. Her velvet throat on my cock. I cant believe she's sucking my dick. We did every position under the sun. I think she knows Tantra. The art of sex. I am glad to let her teach. I fucked her standing up, on her back, this crazy position where she basically used my dick to lead! Man i am in love with my stepmom. I love her cookies, her pies
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