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He walks into the bathroom and finds me sitting on the toilet, it's a great time to find out if his pee tastes the same as his cum, I've always had this doubt. I ask him if he wants to pee and he says yes and then I tell him that I would love to know if his pee tastes the same as his cum, so I ask him to pee in my mouth so I can taste it. He pees and I drink it, he pees again and I drink it again, oh and I really do taste it, it's so good! And I realize that it tastes as good as his cum. I start to get excited thinking about his cum in my mouth and then I start sucking his cock until it gets hard and I tell him that I want his cum and I turn to the toilet and he eats my ass and I moan a lot with lust with his cock fucking me. Oh and I love feeling his cock after fucking my ass and I suck it and ask him to cum all in my mouth, I suck and masturbate him, so happy and anxious for his cum and when he cums I get so happy, I play with the cum, I show him and I swallow it all. And I tell him
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