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When you win a bet, you don't expect the prize to be a new stud to fuck your wife. But this is exactly what Kelsey's husband wants when she loses a bet to him. Kelsey has to go find a guy she likes and convince him to come back to their room and fuck her. Kelsey is a sexy young hotwife and spots her stud right there in the parking lot. His name is Don and she lures him in by asking for sight-seeing advice. Don agrees to go to their room to help them look up places online, but when he gets there - Kelsey has lingerie laid out on the bed. Don immediately understands what he is walking into and is totally down to fuck this hotwife. Kelsey changes into her sexy lingerie and Don admires her tight body. Kelsey wants her husband to watch as she worships Don's fat cock. He pushes it into Kelsey from behind, stretching her tight pussy out. It doesn't take long for Kelsey to start cumming on Don's cock in front of her husband. Don pounds this horny hotwife while she screams to be fucked harder.
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