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Miss Yara has an exceedingly mean plan. She is dressed conspicuously erotic. Probably Cosmo hopes for a horny session. For him the opposite will be the case. He will not leave the penis cage for a second.<br>The mistress takes her time to really make his situation clear to him. She licks him in the penis cage and makes him as hard as she can. The cage is bulging and the cock is prevented from unfolding.<br>But instead of getting the desperate cock out, Miss Yara straps a dildo on her slave Cosmo. He sees his cock pressing against the cage and next to it the big dildo. With this he will now satisfy Yara, while he himself must not feel a bit of pleasure.<br>He penetrates deep into Yara's butt without feeling the slightest bit of it. All pleasure and stimulation is reserved for Yara alone. She visibly enjoys the sex. As she gets more and more aroused, she massages her own clit and enjoys an orgasm. Cosmo goes empty-handed. He is only allowed to watch in frustration.
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