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VIPissy presents Victoria Daniels,Jenifer Jane in "Sharing Showers". Jenifer Jane is relaxing in bed with an eye mask on when her girlriend Victoria Daniels joins her and teases her as she runs her hands over her nipples. She kisses them and moves down to Jenifer's white lace panties when Jenifer gets so turned on that she pulls down her bra. Victoria stands above her and pulls her red panties to one side before she sprays Jenifer's face and tits with golden showers. Jenifer gasps with pleasure and rubs her pussy through her panties. She removes her eye mask and these pissing lesbians kiss before Jenifer strips naked and kneels up to enjoy some pussy licking as she sits on Victoria's face! She holds her pussy lips apart and gives Victoria some piss in mouth action, then both of these hotties end up naked for some pussy fingering fun! Victoria lays back and pees into Jenifer's hands who scoops up her juices and splashes them back over Victoria playfully! These pissing pornstars move ont
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