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standard solo POV, ~10 minutes. The scenario: we've just been on an amazing first date. You never do this, and you're nervous about even asking, but we had such a great time and you’re so horny that you invite me inside to fuck. Script: “I’m glad you said yes to coming back to my place! I never, ever ask guys to come back with me after a first date, but I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun. I felt like we connected. And… I feel so embarrassed saying this, but I am super horny. Does that freak you out? No? Good :-) Because I wanted to ask you… if you felt the same way. Because all I want right now is to fuck you. I feel like you should be rewarded for showing me such a good time.” You strip, taking off your dress, and then tell me to lay down so you can suck me off. Dildo suck, followed by face-to-face cowgirl (solo POV; in terms of shot, as much of your beautiful face and body as possible!). You cum first, climaxing hard as I watch you riding me. After you you lay down so t
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