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So I was in some South Beach boutique scoping out the chicks when I saw the big ass that's attached to Flower. This chick was right! Nothing better than meeting a chick with a great round ass in some pink tights that's willing to try on skimpy outfits for the supposed "girlfriend".. Flower was so bad she let us come in the dressing room to oversee the entire process! That's how I knew it was going to be a fantastic ass worshipping day! So when we were done with the formalities.. I called up JT and had him meet us on the beach... you know.. to feel out the situation... turns out that the situation was already bent on feeling itself out.. Once we were back at the apartment... Flower really started to open up and bloom for us as she quickly demanded to give JT a deep throat, messy blowjob! Who am I to stand in the way of such actions.. I'd much rather stand behind it with my camera in hand! JT really had his work cut out for him.. as Flower's perky natural tits and juicy ass really got go
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