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This week we decided to try something, but grimier than our usual selves. We are gonna find girls that just come out of lock up. lol i know, we just sunk to a new low. Or maybe we just like to watch a lot of OITNB. But we figured that these girls have who spent time in county are missing somethings in their lives. One: a working phone, because they couldn't charge their phones in jail right? Two: an available ride to take them home...well sort of. And of course, Three: They haven't had dick for sometime they are probably jonseing for it bad. So we decided to become public servants for a day and find one of these poor pathetic wretches and give her what she needs best a good pounding. We didnt wait long until we found Danira who was walking out of county, she got locked up because she got into a fight with some girl at the club so she spent the weekend in jail to think about her crime. She needed a ride, but i know a pata sucia when i see one and i asked her if she liked dick. She was h
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