When you are in trouble. When you need help. When you need money and don't mind doing some crazy shit for that. The only team you think of is a BB Team. How is that sounds? I think sounds really tough. Well to me at least. Anyway welcome back people to our community. Today me and my boy Big Lou went over to the So Be hoping to meet some hot chicks. That was sunny day and this fact was making me think that we will get some action going as far as picking up girls. And I was right as usually. In about 20 minutes after we started our todays trip we saw a smoking hot girl standing on the intersection. I offered her some money and this girl didn't have any problems with getting inside. Sucks that she didn't go any farther then showing her goddies but still it was such a pleasure to have her with us. As we dropped her off we ran into few other chicks who were really nice to us, but for some reason the bus was making them fell weird. Even money didn't help. But the BB team never leaves chicas
When you are in trouble. When you need help. When you need money and don't mind doing some crazy shit for that. The only team you think of is a BB Team. How is that sounds? I think sounds really tough. Well to me at least. Anyway welcome back people to our community. Today me and my boy Big Lou went over to the So Be hoping to meet some hot chicks. That was sunny day and this fact was making me think that we will get some action going as far as picking up girls. And I was right as usually. In about 20 minutes after we started our todays trip we saw a smoking hot girl standing on the intersection. I offered her some money and this girl didn't have any problems with getting inside. Sucks that she didn't go any farther then showing her goddies but still it was such a pleasure to have her with us. As we dropped her off we ran into few other chicks who were really nice to us, but for some reason the bus was making them fell weird. Even money didn't help. But the BB team never leaves chicas
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