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Let me tell ya'all about the "Bangbus". We are crazy, fearless punks with funny nicknames. I got this new driver and a couple of weeks a go i asked everyone if they could help me name this guy. We had over two thousand Emails about it and finally we named him "Donald Spice"..jejeje. But enough of the bullshit and lets get to the real deal. The thing is that "Spice" and I decided to hit the streets to look for a sexy Milf lady, we looked everywhere and all we did was get this other chicks that were not so much a Milf and seriously it was just getting to crazy. We headed to downtown and i found this gorgeous girl named Britt who happens to be a stripper. I got so exited cause you all know that i love to fuck strippers, so we got her on the bus and i convinced this girl to give me a handjob that ended by me sticking my huge cock in her sweet pussy. Britt has a perfect pussy and she knows it. She has a small labia and a tight hole and she loves nothing more than getting fucked. Her jui
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