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Borya's waiting on Tommy to stop by with a cleaning lady to straighten out his flat, but Borya wasn't expecting what had walked through his door, it's a sexy hot blonde with a banging body and juicy cock sucking lips to come clean his house, she's practically wearing anything just a tight pink dress and high stripper boots. She went into Borya's bedroom to start vacuuming first, as she was cleaning she happened to bend over and a tight pink thong came from underneath that dress of hers, Tommy had her bend over doggy style so he can play with her tight pussy then shoved his cock in her mouth. Borya couldn't bare to watch any longer so he got on the bed as well to join in on the action shoving his cock in her mouth too. Next thing you know they both were fucking her on the bed, now that's what I call action. Come check it for yourself. Enjoy!
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