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The sexy Jessica Moore stops by Borya's place to have pin-up pictures taking with the help of his handy assistant Wayne. They head up stairs to begin the photo shoot, Jessica seems a bit shy but within time she'll ease up a bit. She takes her clothes off so she can put on sexy lingerie with the help of Borya's assistant, seems as if he couldn't contain himself being so close to her sexy body clipping her stockings on. Jessica has a really nice body, big juicy tits and a plump ass to work with. Wayne couldn't contain himself as she was working the camera, it looked like he wanted to jump her bones, and that he sure did as he sat her next to him on the couch gradually working his fingers closer to her pussy, laying her down licking her pussy with ease making her moan with every lick of his tongue as he went up and down while her pussy dripped with moisture, you can hear how wet i is as Wayne licked that pussy good. Jessica in return sucked his cock, hopped on it riding it while her tits
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