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This sexy brunette came in looking sexy as ever. She's a card dealer form the Miami casino. She's definitely wearing that outfit right. Anyway, she came in to pawn a tablet she found at work. Unfortunately I can't do anything with it because it's locked and you need a password, but I'm willing to pay and see what's under that outfit. I offered her cash for some services and she flipped out on me. Cursing up a storm. No worries, I controlled the situation once I flashed $600. Her eyes lit up like a deer. She was shy at first, but continued undressing nice and slow. My dick was leaking from the tease. She had a fat ass and a camel toe pussy. Once the clothes came off, I banged her in every position. Went balls deep in that good pussy. I almost fell in love with the pussy but it's business as usual. Enjoy!
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