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Kaitlyn and I get together for a nasty girl on girl puke fest. We slap and punch each other to get ourselves in the mood (My first time getting punched and someone). We then make ourselves puke into a cute bowl by deepthroating dildos! We get each other messy by spitting puke and snot into each other's faces laughing the entire time. We then do some butt stuff! Kaitlyn is very new to anal and we slowly work her up from a small plug to her largest size before putting in a gape plug and filling her asshole with puke. After her ass is filled, she squirts it out onto my face! We then move to my asshole, which opens up easily for a dildo. She puts one of her fists in my asshole, then tries for 2! It was my very first time successfully taking 2 fists and it felt amazing!! We finish by slapping and each other a few more times and pouring the puke all over our heads! We're fucking disgusting! ;)
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