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these days, sheesh! They always want to go out prancing around town when they could be home sucking our dicks! This is the situation in which you find yourself in this new POV video when your girl Taylor Sands is all dressed for a night on the town, and youre still naked with a hard-on to take care of! Hmm, maybe you can use your natural charm to convince Taylor that true contentment is only millimeters from her mouth, and she doesnt have to roam around looking for it... Well, your banter convinces her, and soon enough this gorgeous Dutch gal is giving your big dick the cock sucking it craves. Still dressed in her pretty sea-green lace outfit, complete with jewelry and nicely coiffed tresses, Taylor nonetheless kneels before your meat and takes it inside her lovely face. You espy some stimulating cleavage scenery in the bodice of her frock, too! Delighted with her deepthroat and balls licking, as well as with the fact that youve mussed her hair a bit and kept her from gallivanting
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