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In this leg fetish scene crammed with nylon stockings, high heels, foot worship, footjob thrills, as well as hardcore sex, a young gal discovers her guys interest in aggressive females in lingerie and stockings and decides to fulfill his fantasies and thensome! This is the situation in a Full HD foot sex video today when Layla Sin confronts Jay Smooth. Layla gets dressed in red nylon stockings, bra, garters, and pretty white peep toe heels that she has him kiss and worship like the naughty boy he is! He gets more than he bargained for but he loves it all as she stands over him with her great legs and has him kiss her shoes, then rewards him with a blowjob. She rubs his hard dick with her feet in the shoes, then with her stocking soles, then she rides his dick cowgirl style. She may be acting like a light-hearted dominatrix, but Layla likes all sexual pleasures too, and so she sucks Jay in-between jacking his johnson with her feet. Then she lets Jay bang her spoon-style as well as
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