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Mistress Kyra Hot (in the black latex) puts her slave Latex Lucy through some serious paces in this unique encounter. Tugging Lucy close by her leash, she gets the pink sub to do as she commands, whether it means to lick her bare legs, kiss her feet in the strappy heels, or then suck on the handle of Kyras whip. How vulnerable Lucy looks kneeling at her goddesss feet, even as Mistress Kyra snaps the flogger on Lucys bottom in this fetish XXX video of sapphic latex porn. Kyra squeezes Lucys nipples through her snug form-fitting pink bodysuit, then gives her a thorough spanking. She feels affection for her slave, though, and they lick tongues even as Kyra plays with Lucys quim through an open zipper in the crotch of the pink suit. Lucy gets to suck on Kyras nipples, play with her pussy, but then she has to suck on the whip again--only this time to prepare it for a journey into her snatch. See all the latex loving in this new scene in Full HD!
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