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Theres nothing like a good workout for a model to keep herself in fighting shape for the lens, and aka Annabelle is working out in the DDF Gym when she gets distracted from her efforts by the arrival of, yes, a lens! Watch this Latvian lovely today as she pours a bottle of water on her 34D tatas, which are covered (barely) by a white tank top. She dampens her cleavage and teases us with it, then lifts up the top to show us those mouthwatering glands in all their glory. does a few stretches with her legs, shows us her quim, but then gets back to the gland action, pushing her bells together with her upper arms as she looks over at us with a knowing smile. Our cameraman circles around as she keeps presenting her paps in all their round big-nipped wonderfulness, then pours more water on them so that we can think about how awesome it would be to drink right off her jugs. Youll make some moisture of your own when you check out this great serving of and her big naturals in her Full HD video
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