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It is a jungle out there! In the harsh reality of current business, especially in todays difficult economic climate, sometimes the modern rules of social etiquette and gender equality are ignored by ruthless men and women in order to survive, make a living, and get steamy sexual thrills. True, the politically correct watchdogs of society would object, but Madlin made a promise to CEO Choky Ice in exchange for her getting a job in his investment company: when theyre alone in the office, she will blow him. And now that theyre by themselves on the second day of her employment, he holds her to that promise. Then again, she is just as much of a horndog as he is, laughing as he crawls up under her who exactly is exploiting whom? During the more boring hours in business college only a few months ago, Madlin had fantasized about having a CEO squeeze her bare tits in a brazen grab of ruthless power and erotic objectification! And the idea of playing with her pussy in front of a man
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