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The fox hunt didnt go well for Mistress Lena Love, and she is in a furious frame of mind. Why havent you completed all the housework in my absence? she snaps at her new maid Victoria Summers, still holding her riding crop from the hunt. You insolent girl, you deserve to have that bottom warmed! SMACK SMACK SMACK! And come to think of it, missy, says Lena, youd make quite a good little steed yourself! Ha-ha! Mistress Lena straddles poor Victoria and plies her with the crop, even running it in the tender groove of her pussy. Victoria knows better than to talk back, and so she endures her panties being pulled down by her mistress and her cheeks humiliatingly thwacked. But then comes even greater embarrassment...having to remove her mistresss boots after that long ride, and endure the aroma of her feet! Massage them, you lazy idiot! snaps Mistress Lena, watching her servant rub and cleanse her toes with some handy wipes. Then a strange thing happens: Victoria really begins to enjoy this ne
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