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Latex lovers, my goodness are you in for a piece of art that comes straight out of a science fiction film. Imagine an old style military hospital room with two incredibly curvaceous honeys wearing full body latex suits with hospital insignia's. One white, one teal, both skin tight and hugging those gorgeous curves to no end. A little one way quarrel is in progress as Clanddi throws a very bitchy fit and instructs the submissive Latex Lucy to start her off with a nice lick down of her tight and tasty asshole.Clanddi is extremely vocal and aggressive in this set, and loves throwing around the "Bitch" word while smacking that incredibly juicy ass of Lucy's. The shiny latex suit is zipped open from the back to accommodate this, and Clanddi's is unzipped right in the crotch area for access to her eager beaver. After a little foot worshipping, Lucy is instructed to eat some pussy, and she really dives into Clanddi's tattoo accentuated trim, sucking her clit and licking her slit whi
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