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Aneta J. is a frisky sex-loving Czech girl who enjoys posing nude! She was a blonde when she started doing pictures and videos for us, but now shes brunette and even more sultry and sophisticated-looking in her new appearance on Monday 1/9/12. Wearing a green micro-minidress that complements her green eyes, she shows off her scrumptious backside in her thong panties, then quickly peels the scanties down to let us see her lovely pussy and rosebud. She plays with a black bullet vibrator and spreads wide her exciting thighs and shapely calves. Plunging the toy deeply into her slot while looking closely at us with her playful eyes, Aneta almost seems to invite us to take hold of the vibrator and fuck her with it. She stands in front of the windows with her ass facing us and squats as she screws herself with the toy, and we can imagine getting on our knees behind her and pleasuring her cheeks and asshole with our mouths as she cums and cums! (And for more about what she likes in bed, check
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