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Aleska Diamond shows us her remarkably talented crotch today. Relaxing on a bright red couch, the green-eyed Hungarian beauty writhes around, lifting up her black leather dress to reveal that shes wearing no panties. She spreads her thighs and slides a couple of French-manicured fingers into her pie, and then a couple more--no, actually, she then sticks THREE fingers of each hand into her clam and tugs it open so we can peer into the inky darkness of her inner veegee. But Aleska is only getting started. She takes out an enormous flesh-colored dildo, which looks as if it were modeled on the prick of a man twelve feet high, and she stuffs an impressive amount of it into her box. But this is only preparing the way for her own personal Double Penetration Party. Now that her core is thoroughly warmed up, she crams a black plug into her butt, stuffing it all the way to the hilt so its not going anywhere. Then, lubing a black dildo with her mouth, she slowly inserts it into her pussy, shift
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