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Weve got a double-barreled surprise for you today when newcomer Vanessa shows up on our site. First of all, she's got a fine set of jugs underneath a revealing little black dress, with its lattice-covered scoop front. The feisty redhead gives us great views of her cleavage as she takes down her frock and shows us her lacy blue boulder-holder. She presses her hands above her boobs, then takes down her bra straps and we see her big-nipped melons for a flash--then she pulls her bra back on! Wotta tease!!No, Vanessas only kidding. She takes off the bra as Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews circle around her, shooting straight on and from below to accent the shape of those knockeroonies. Vanessas learning quickly how to squeeze her tits together and push her teats toward our hungry mouths. Kneeling on a chair, she flashes some nice sideboob action, and then we get a peek at her through her thong--and holy shit, does she ever have a forest in there! But were going to have to wait a l
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