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Two delicious damsels delight in their femininity--especially below the ankles--when Victoria Blaze and Tess hook up in the Jacuzzi! As the tub fills up, they tenderly and passionately kiss, enjoying the clinch of their nude bodies as the water swirls over their feet; then Tess starts admiring the purple toenails of Victoria.Soon Tess is down on her knees in the water, sliding her friend's size 6.5 toes over her tongue. Victoria tantalizes Tess in turn by rubbing her nipples with those pretty digits, and then she reciprocates in full by getting down on her own knees in the whirlpool and worshiping the bottoms of Tesss size 8.5 feet. Victoria looks really good with her ass stuck out toward us as she adores her friends soles. She looks at the camera as she does it, too, and her eyes almost seem to say, Can you believe how juicy Tesss toesies are??But Victoria wants more than feet, and soon she licks Tesss twat too. This gives Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews more opportunity
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