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Must be something about animal print lingerie that brings out the wildness in women! Charlotte Flame looks like a young lady but when she wears those seductive bits of fabric, as she does today, its obvious something provocative comes out of her. Soon enough she peels off the frills to show us her perky little knockers and shaved slit. Our DDF cameras come in tight to this hot babe in her erotic video to capture the bright pink color of her pie, so vivid youll almost be able to taste it with your eyes. Once shes down to just her stockings and garters, Charlotte pries open her lips for even more exhibition of her luscious nook. Shes got quite a nice bottom too, and then when she slips off the nylons we get a great shot of the soles of her high-arched feet. An all-around scene of a tasty-looking sweetie!
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