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Ahoy, mateys! Captain Joanna Bliss is here to take our eyes and cocks on a voyage into pure titillation with those 36H beauties she carries around! Jaunty in her nautical cap, and delightfully underdressed in her bikini, Joanna splashes in an outdoor swimming pool, and slowly reveals her magnificent breasties in their naked glory. She hefts them in her hands, squeezes the nipples, and swings them to and fro. She poses climbing out of the pool like a Hollywood goddess ready for her closeup! Slipping out of her bikini top and bottom, Joanna gives us a lot of pinup style poses and showcases the mouthwatering shape of her bosom from many angles. Heres a gal who always looks friendly and ready to please--especially when she gets in the doggie position, displaying not simply her big bangable rump but also giving us great sideboob shots that show the effect of gravity on her knockers, with the weight of her bells stretching the skin taut!! Joanna is a model who hardly has to play with her pu
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