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When Sabby shows up to hang out with Avril Sun in our featured set on Saturday 8/27/11, he finally gets to live out his foot fantasies. Avril indulges his desires for her shoes, feet, pantyhose, and legs. Dont we all wish we could meet a girl like this?! Avril is dressed in a cute flower print frock, patterned tights, and purple mid-sized heels. Soon she gets Sabby kissing her feet as well as sniffing her shoes and rubbing them against his trousered crotch. Tempting him with her high-arched feet, she quickly gets our hero to pull down his pants so she can manipulate his meat between her nylon-covered soles. He sucks her right foot while she strokes his balls, then she jacks him with both soles while taking off her bra for further fun.
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