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When two beautiful girls come into Frank's shop looking for a sweet deal on some new furniture to fuck on, the opportunity is seized and a steamy three-way follows starring Cindy Hope and Aleska Diamond. The Furniture shop transforms into an inferno of sexual delights, including a hard anal pounding that leaves the girls as two extremely satisfied customers.The action begins with a little make out session with Frank and Aleska while Cindy unbuttons his pants and pulls out his fat prick which she begins snacking on deliciously. Then Frankie gets the double discount suck by both girls before Cindy hops on Frank reverse cowgirl style and fucks a few more dollars off of the discount. Her positional riding shows her experience, and her juicy trimmed pussy will have your balls screaming for a release. Hey, If you need to squeeze one out at this point, just do it! Next up Aleska gets the tube steak slammed in her from the rear while Cindy gapes her ass cheeks and tastes Aleska's sweet pie in
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