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If theres anybody that knows how to have fun with toys, its my very hot blonde Hungarian girlfriend Blue Angel. She even had a plate of toys ready for our sizzling lesbian makeout session! We are both feeling the animalistic urges in our leopard print lingerie and it doesnt take long after some sensual kissing for her to bring out the vibrating egg and place it against my clit. While she licks me for added pleasure, I sit on top of her with the egg between us and rub myself up against her so she can really feel the buzzing on her little nub. We bring out the golden Ben Wa balls and first one, then two of them go deep inside her shaved pussy. The balls go from her pink to mine and she brings out a vibrating dildo to add more to our fun. Lucky for us, there are two and we masturbate next to each other with the golden phalluses. She looks so hot getting herself off! We continue to play with our toys and each other until were in orgasmic heaven.
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