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For a footman, the ultimate job might be as a masseur for ladies tired feet! And Frank Gun shows us what this profession can be in all its pleasurable potential when he shows up with his massage table, strong hands, and ready tongue to soothe the tootsies of Abbie Cat. Lucky Frank gets to do it all. Were not sure his methods are embraced by all the standard professional schools of massage, but maybe it could be argued that whats really happening in this scene is a sexy roleplay between Abbie and Frank as lovers, wherein she only COMMANDS him to play at being her masseur and, when it comes right down to it, her foot slave!He certainly gets to lathe every last inch of her peds here. His tongue works its way between her digits and over her soles, even as his firm fingers press and squeeze out the built-up tensions of her day. Abbie closes her eyes in contentment, like a sleepy princess simply letting her lackey do his duty. By the time you get to the end of this scene, youll feel that
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