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When Nekane finds out that theres no more water running through the bathroom pipes, she calls the plumber Ricky Mancini for help. The young man shows up within a couple of minutes and takes a closer look underneath that sink. The brunette hottie wears a mini skirt and stands right above his head, which gives him a boner in his pants. While Ricky works the pipes, Nekane works his tool and starts blowing his hard-on on the bathroom floor! Within seconds, the scene heats up and Ricky starts sucking her tits and fingers her pussy. The stud returns the favor by licking her tasty snatch before fucking that curvy bombshell in standing sex position. He slides his meat in and out her wet box before they shift into the living room. Nekane gets ass fucked by the plumber on the black couch! The voluptuous sweetheart enjoys her finger in her cunny while he bangs her butt. See her ass gape and watch her getting her anus crammed by that well-built plumber. Ricky penetrates her asshole until he blows
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