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It’s midday in the middle of the week and Savannah, a busty blonde housewife, is checking out her husband’s stud brother Alex swim laps in the pool from her balcony. Since her husband hasn’t fucked her all weak, Savannah is horny so she goes down into her room, takes off her clothes, and begins rubbing her pink clit as she fantasizes about the stud swimming in her pool. But for Savannah, her fingers are simply not enough, so she heads out to the pool in her lingerie and quickly seduces Alex. Within seconds, Savannah has Alex’s cock in her mouth as the hot summer sun beats down upon them both. After a nice skullfuck, the two move the session back into the house, where Alex begins slamming Savannah on his brother’s bed – first in her cunt and then in the ass – before he blows his load in her mouth.
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