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I was kind of bored and horny! I really wanted to fuck on that day BUT I was also VERY gassy! I said to myself...nothing to worry about, I'll be able to hold myself...So I called him in and he gave it to me pretty good standing, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, doggy and missionary! The MORE I was trying to hold my farts the MORE I FARTED! It was a crazy bombarding zone. I kept excusing myself and saying how sorry I was. Telling him about what I ate and that I couldn't control myself! It didn't stop him from fucking me! He couldn't believe how I could be farting like that! The camera angle is high and fixed, voyeur style, like a fly on a wall watching us fuck and fart! The grand finale is a very big cumshot all over my body, right in the middle of my smelly gassy zone!<br>Tags : cumshot, fucking, doggystyle, cowgirl, moaning, doggy, voyeur, bbw, big-tits, reverse-cowgirl, taboo, dirty-talk, farting, fart, gassy, cum-on-stomach, ass-spreading, big-loads, missionnary, asshole-fetish
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